a relatividade das pequenas

terça-feira, fevereiro 14

Maverick Calf
Parece-me que ser mestre nao sera uma escolha minha.
Maverick terei que ser. Nos eua significa um bezerro unbranded and stray.

de um artigo da art forum (Keith Sanborn )

"Guy Debord's next film after Refutation was his second feature-length work, In girum imus nocte et consumimur igni. (The title is a menacing Latin palindrome that might be rendered: "At night we walk in circles and are consumed by fire."). "

mais adiante

"No film," Debord reminds us in Refutation, "is more difficult than its era." Nor is it greater. The appearance of this newly visible body of work from the cinema's second fifty years makes it possible for us to say that Guy Debord contributed something truly extraordinary to his era, even as he attempted to destroy it. Rather than confining these works to some cinematic pantheon, their destructive forces should be honored. They should be experienced, then remembered as powerful currents causing shifts in the course of the river of time -the river into which no one may enter twice. "

heraclito. margens mutantes, etc.

vou deixar um comentário:-)
bom te ler com mais frecuencia, pablo querido. e posso deixar um pra menina consu também? é que eu quero ler um texto do blog dela lá na rádio. queria pedir permiso... beijo nos dois:*
querida fer, grande beijo. quanto ao texto da consu eu autorizo o bom uso.
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